Kemper Hall

Sacksith Ekkaphanh Wins Outstanding Staff Award

Congratulations to Sacksith for winning the Outstanding Staff Award! We are honored to have her as one of our employees and we are excited to see what she will accomplish in the years to come. Please join us in thanking Sacksith for all that she does!

Sacksith Ekkaphanh, the Graduate Program Coordinator of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, was awarded the 2019 College of Engineering Outstanding Staff Award. “[She] is dedicated,” said her colleagues, “hardworking, professional and genuinely enthusiastic about delivering excellent quality work.” She eagerly and consistently goes above and beyond, regularly assuming additional responsibilities to provide support as needed for others in her department.

Sacksith’s motivation comes from “[helping] a student through a situation before they leave at the end of the day, . . . that part is uplifting.” She hopes that her dedication to student success motivates her colleagues and inspires them to further improve the department. Since she took on this role more than a year ago, student success has been her main goal. In the long run, Sacksith wants her department to be one that gives students the full range of tools that they need to be successful on their chosen path. Not only that, but she wants her department to make for a positive experience for students. She hopes that it will be a department about which people will say, “‘Hey, UC Davis Electrical Engineering is where you want to be.’”

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